Ride Amigos is a ride share program that allows students of the University of Alabama to connect and utilize carpool opportunities among their fellow classmates. Once you place your origin and destination in the system, Ride Amigos will show you all the transportation options available such as:
- Crimson Ride- You will be able to view if a Crimson Ride route is located on your route.
- Driving – Choosing this option will display the miles and time it would take to drive to your destination. Ride Amigos will also allow you to set up your own car pool and share it with fellow UA students.
- Walking – Displays the miles and time it would take to walk to your destination.
- Biking- Displays the miles and time it would take to bike to your destination. It also displays if there is a bike path on your route.
In addition to carpooling it will also allow students to view other transportation options that may be on their route such as the Crimson Ride.
Click here to register for Ride Amigos
You may also view the videos below in order to better utilize the Ride Amigos program: