Rules and Regulations



These regulations are prepared and distributed to assist individuals operating and/or parking motor vehicles on The University of Alabama property.  The University is committed to providing the highest level of service and ensuring the safest and most efficient use of University Parking Resources.


These regulations are established by virtue of the authority vested in the Board of Trustees in accordance with state statutes. By virtue of the powers granted to the Board of Trustees by the Constitution, the Board of Trustees has the authority to adopt and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations for the management and governance of the institution. These powers may be delegated to various University officials for the governance of students and the administration of University Affairs, Ref: Alabama Code SS16-47-2, 34(1975).

The responsibility of obtaining knowledge of all laws and regulations in force rests with the motor vehicle operator.  Students, faculty, and staff are expected to be familiar with and abide by these regulations. The fact that a violation notice is not issued when a vehicle is illegally parked does not mean or imply that the regulations or laws are no longer in effect.

All ordinances of the City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, related to traffic which are not in conflict with or inconsistent with these regulations, are made a part thereof and are enforceable as provided herein.


As a result of the dynamic environment, every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information provided on written material such as maps or University signage.  However, one should consult for any recent updates pertaining to rules, regulations, and announcements. This website will supersede any written material as a determining factor.


The University of Alabama reserves the right to set aside areas for special events, i.e., concerts, athletic events, parades, funerals, etc., in all parking areas of the University campus. The University further reserves the right to temporarily block certain areas of streets and/or parking lots in order to facilitate repairs, without notice to the general public.


Zone enforcement hours for all commuter and faculty staff areas will be enforced Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.  ParkMobile, Accessible, residential, reserve, and tow-away zones are enforced 24 hours daily.

  • Vehicles parked on The University of Alabama campus must be registered and parked within their permitted zone or utilize one of the visitor pay areas. Non-registered vehicles with three outstanding citations are subject to wheel-lock, towing, or impoundment.  All charges, including towing charges and outstanding fines, must be paid before the vehicle is released. Vehicles impounded and not claimed within 30 days are subject to the State of Alabama abandonment code.
  • Parking Services cannot provide special accommodations for vehicles that are modified or are not “standard” size.  An Improper Parking citation will be issued for vehicles parked with the body, tires, or the length of the vehicle exceeding the designated parking space lines.
  • Standard rules of the road for the city, county, and state will be observed on campus.
  • The speed limit is 25 mph, except where otherwise posted. Additional reductions in speed may be necessary for areas of vehicular and pedestrian congestion or during inclement weather.
  • Individuals cited for moving violations will be issued a State of Alabama Uniform Traffic Citation.
  • Accessible, Faculty-in-Residence, and Area Coordinator parking spaces are enforced at all times. Designated signage is posted for these spaces.
  • Accessible permits will only be issued to students and staff who are certified by the State of Alabama or by the state in which they reside.  The permit should be displayed along with the DMV-issued placard or plate. The person who owns the disabled placard is the only one who is legally allowed to use it.  Individuals using a disabled placard that is issued to someone else constitutes fraud and is punishable by state law.
  • Safety violations include but are not limited to; parking on curbs, in driveways, in roadways, on sidewalks, on yellow lines, in crosswalks, blocking fire hydrants, double parking, parking on the grass, parking in a Tow Away Zone, or parking in any manner that creates a safety hazard are prohibited at all times and may result in the vehicle being cited or impounded.
  • Driving or parking in a transit or bicycle lane is prohibited at all times.
  • Once a parking citation has been issued, removal of the citation by blowing or falling off the vehicle or by the action of another person does not absolve the vehicle’s owner from responsibility for the violation.
  • Space limitations only allow individuals to park one car or one motorcycle on campus at any given time.
  • Motorists must yield to pedestrians in designated crosswalks.
  • Motorcycles, bicycles, and other vehicles are subject to all traffic rules and regulations and should move in the same direction on the same side of the street as other vehicles. These types of vehicles may not be operated on sidewalks or lawns.
  • Motorcycles are prohibited in gated areas.
  • Permits are only valid when an individual’s University status corresponds with their parking permit zone. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to notify Parking Services of changes in campus status.
  • Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in commuter parking lots.
  • Faculty or staff may not purchase a permit for use by a student.
  • The University of Alabama assumes no liability for damages to vehicles operated or parked on campus. Any such damage is a risk assumed by the owner as the operator of the vehicle.
  • Trailers, boats, campers, and similar non-motor vehicles are prohibited from parking on campus.
  • Parking in Loading or Service Zones is restricted to delivery service and vendor vehicles for the purpose of loading and unloading only. Individuals who wish to temporarily park their personal vehicle in a loading zone must first obtain permission from the Parking Services office.

Vehicles parked on The University of Alabama campus must be registered and parked within their permitted zone or utilize one of the visitor pay areas. Vehicles not parked in accordance with University Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations are subject to being cited, towed, and/or impounded and held until all citations and tow charges are paid.  Vehicles parked on campus without a license plate and/or vehicle identification number visible are subject to immediate impoundment until proof of ownership is established.  Individuals registering a vehicle accept responsibility for all citations issued.  Registration is no guarantee of a parking space or guarantee of a parking space near the location where one works or attends class. The responsibility of locating a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. A lack of space where one prefers to park is not a valid excuse for violating any parking regulation.  Vehicles parked in such a manner are subject to receiving citations.

  • Permits must be displayed from the rearview mirror, with the permit number facing forward.
  • The permit owner is responsible for the permit at all times and is responsible for any citations written while the permit is displayed.
  • All permits are the property of The University of Alabama and must be surrendered upon separation.  Permits may not be given, resold, or transferred to another individual.
  • Permits must be exchanged in person at the Parking Services office.
  • Individuals parking vehicles on campus that cannot be secured such as convertibles, soft top jeeps, broken windows or door locks, etc. may bring their permit to the Parking Services office.  The individual’s permit will be kept on file in the Parking Services office and a system notification will be issued and placed on their registered license plate.
  • Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in commuter parking lots.

Parking Services is pleased to offer 500 commuter students the opportunity to upgrade their commuter parking permits with additional access to the Tutwiler Parking Deck. The upgraded access will add $100 to the cost of the commuter permit you are eligible/chose to purchase. If you would like to buy this additional access, click the permit you wish to purchase with the upgrade attached. (example:  Commuter NE with Tutwiler Upgrade) Once the allotment of permits is depleted for the Tutwiler Deck, sales for the upgrade will stop and will not be listed as a purchase option.

Commuter students who have purchased the Tutwiler Upgrade are not allowed to park in the Tutwiler parking deck overnight or on football home game days.


Parking Services offers students the opportunity to purchase a residential, commuter, perimeter, or accessible permit.  Parking permits are issued according to zones.  Residential students are only allowed the option to purchase a permit for their residential zone.  Commuter students may purchase a commuter permit or a perimeter permit based on availability when they register.  Accessible permits will only be issued to students who are certified by the State of Alabama or by the state in which they reside.  Permits from other local colleges or universities are not valid during zone-enforced hours.

  • First-semester graduate students may request a waiver in person at the Parking Services office if their desired zone is no longer available online.
  • Accessible permits and motorcycle permits must be purchased in person at the Parking Services office.
  • Student permit prices are prorated by semester.
  • Summer semester permits may be purchased at the Parking Services office.
  • Student permits are billed to the student’s account.  Payments are processed through Student Account Services located in room 105 of the Student Services Center.
  • It is the purchaser’s responsibility to report permits as lost in the mail if the permit is not received within ten business days from the date of purchase.  Permits purchased prior to August 21st, 2024, must be reported lost in the mail by September 4th, 2024.  Failure to report a lost permit may result in the individual receiving parking citations and being required to purchase another permit.

Students who registered for fall classes prior to July 17th must wait until their registration window opens to purchase a permit.  Students will be notified of their permit registration date and time through their Crimson email.

All students who register for fall classes on or after July 17th will not receive an email notification.  These students will only be required to wait 24 hours after registering for their fall classes to purchase a permit.

  • Log in to your myBama account.
  • In the Student tab under the “Campus Services” section click the link “Register for a Parking Permit”.
  • Once directed to the new site click on the link “Get Permit”.
  • Select a permit. The choices available depend on your residential status if you are living on campus, or what is currently available at the time of registration if you are a commuter student.
  • Choose or add a valid license plate with no dashes or spaces. If there is a letter ‘O’ in your license plate information be sure to enter it as a number ‘0’.
  • Choose or add an address. This is the address to which your permit will be mailed. Students who have already moved to Tuscaloosa may elect to have their permits mailed to the Transportation Services Office by entering Box 870179, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487.  Students will be notified by Crimson email once their permit has arrived in our office.  Photo identification is required when picking up a permit.
  • Click, “Pay Now”. The permit cost will be billed to your student account.
  • If you are already on campus, print and display the 10-day temporary permit until your permanent permit arrives.

If you have any issues with permit registration, contact us at 205-348-5471.


Students temporarily disabled who need transportation beyond the capabilities of the University’s transit system must obtain a parking permission slip from the Student Health Center. SHC notes are for short-term conditions and will be issued for a maximum duration of 6 weeks, with the possibility of one extension, if needed, for a cumulative total of 12 weeks. Then, bring the SHC parking permission slip to the Parking Services office to obtain temporary medical parking access.

Temporary medical parking access is available at no cost to individuals with a current University of Alabama parking permit.

Students seeking parking accommodations for chronic conditions exceeding the 12-week time frame above should work with their medical provider to complete the DMV process for ADA-accessible parking.  Once completed, the student will bring their state-issued accessible documentation (including placard and receipt) to the Transportation Services office to obtain a University Accessible Permit.


The Polaris Slingshot and vehicles of similar design are treated the same as a regular vehicle.  They are required to park in a normal vehicle parking space and either purchase a vehicle permit or utilize visitor parking options (ParkMobile)


All motorcycles parked on The University of Alabama campus must be registered with Parking Services.  Individuals must purchase a permit for a motorcycle or a motorized scooter in person at the Parking Services office.  Individuals with a current University of Alabama vehicle permit may register their motorcycle or motorized scooter free of charge by contacting the Parking Services office at 205-348-5471.  Space limitations only allow individuals to park one car or one motorcycle on campus at any given time.  The motorcycle or motorized scooter parking will be restricted to the permitted vehicle parking zone.  Motorcycles are prohibited in gated areas. Motorcycle or motorized scooter parking spaces are designated by ground markings.


Vendors and contractors working on campus will be required to have prior approval before a surface lot parking permit will be sold.  Approval for a monthly surface lot parking permit must be forwarded by the department or college authorizing the sale for the extended permit.

Contractors on campus for construction projects will be sold surface lot parking permits or will be instructed to park in a designated area in close proximity to the project strictly based on the scope of the work agreed upon in the bid documents by Construction Administration and the individual or company awarded the bid.


Patrons who are utilizing the services of the Recreation Center, Aquatic Center, Moody Music Building, and participants in Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) must purchase a parking permit.  Permits may be purchased at the Parking Services office located inside the Transportation Hub Deck at 315 Hackberry Lane by completing the UA Patron Registration form.  No refunds will be issued for Patron Permits.


Conferences and/or groups must contact Event Management at 205-348-0024 at least seven days in advance to arrange parking for their event.


Visit or call the hotline at 205-262-2811 for gameday and RV parking information.


All campus parking decks and surface lot gates will be kept in the lowered position.  Gates will automatically open if a valid permit for the gated parking deck or lot is displayed.  Please approach the gates slowly.  Permits must be displayed from your rearview mirror when entering and exiting a gated parking deck or lot.

The permit types listed below include deck access to the Student Center, Transportation Hub Deck, Capstone, North ten Hoor, and Magnolia parking decks between the hours of 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 a.m., and the Stadium Drive reserved parking deck between the hours of 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday and on weekends.  Vehicles must be removed from the pay decks prior to 7:00 a.m. on weekdays to avoid being charged the daily visitor rate on exit.  Vehicles must be removed from the Stadium Drive reserved deck and the Magnolia deck prior to 7:00 a.m. on weekdays to avoid being cited.  Parking Services reserves the right to remove this additional deck access for special events.

Faculty and Staff Reserved Permits

Faculty and Staff Green Permits

Commuter East Permits, Commuter West Permits

Tan, Orange, Yellow, and Silver Residential Permits

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors who elect not to purchase a parking permit may pay to park in one of the four visitor parking decks (Transportation Hub, Capstone, Student Center, North ten Hoor) by paying the daily rate.  Credit cards and Bama Cash are the only forms of payment accepted.

Deck clearance is posted at the entrance to each deck.  UA is not responsible for damage to vehicles that exceed the clearance restrictions.

Permits may only be used with the vehicle it is registered to.


To report a permit lost or stolen, a Lost/Stolen Permit form should be completed and submitted to the Parking Services office as soon as possible.  Student replacement permits may be purchased for a fee of $100.00 during the fall or spring semesters and for a fee of $50.00 during the summer semester.  Faculty/staff replacement permits may be purchased for a fee of $100.00 during the fall semester and for the prorated permit fee (if less than $100.00) during the spring and summer semesters.  A police report describing forcible entry must be presented in order for a stolen permit to be replaced free of charge.


Student Refunds 

Students purchasing permits prior to the beginning of classes will have ten business days to return their permits for a full refund once classes begin.  Students purchasing their permits after classes begin will have ten days from the date of purchase to return their permits for a full refund.  Permits may be returned in person to the Parking Services office located inside the Transportation Hub Deck at 315 Hackberry Lane or by mailing the permit to Parking Services – Box 870179 – Tuscaloosa, AL  35487.

Students who purchase a parking permit in the fall of 2024 will pay the full price for the permit.  Students who leave the University in December and do not plan on returning in the spring may return their permit for a partial refund through January 15, 2025.  All permits are deactivated upon separation from the University, regardless of whether they are returned.

Faculty/Staff Refunds

Refunds for parking permits will be issued if the permit is returned to the Parking Services office within ten business days from the date of purchase.  Permits may be returned in person to the Parking Services office located inside the Transportation Hub Deck at 315 Hackberry Lane or by mailing the permit to Parking Services – Box 870179 – Tuscaloosa, AL  35487.

  • Faculty and staff who pay the monthly fee for their permit and leave the University must return the permit to the Parking Services office.  If the permit is not returned, the remaining monthly fees will be deducted from the final paycheck.  However, individuals may recover this charge up to one month after their separation date from the University if the permit is returned. Permit fees are charged one month in arrears, so individuals are still responsible for paying for the month the permit was returned. All permits are deactivated upon separation from the University, regardless of whether they are returned.
  • Faculty and staff who pay in full for a permit and leave the University during the permit year are eligible for a refund if the permit is returned. The refund amount depends on the prorated price at the time the permit is returned.  All permits are deactivated upon separation from the University, regardless of whether they are returned.

The University of Alabama Student Government Association Judicial Branch and UA Parking Services have partnered together to bring UA students, Parking with a Purpose. Parking with a Purpose allows students to work off parking tickets through community service within the Tuscaloosa community. Please visit Parking With a Purpose for more details on this program.


Parking ViolationFine
Improper Deck Exit$10.00
Failure to Register$25.00
Improperly Affixed Permit$25.00
Improper Registration$25.00
Time Limit$25.00
Pay Station Violation$25.00
Parked in Vehicle SpaceMotorcycle or motorized scooter parked in vehicle space$25.00
Parked in Motorcycle SpaceVehicle parked in motorcycle or motorized scooter space$25.00
Use of Deactivated PermitWheel-lock fee will be enforced if the permit is displayed by an individual other than the original owner$25.00
Improper Zone$50.00
Improper Use of Permit$50.00
Improper ParkingIncludes the following violations but not limited to: Parking on a Curb, Yellow Line, Fire Lane, Fire Hydrant, No Parking Space, Parked on Grass, State Parking, Double Parking, Motorcycle Parked in Gated Area, Client/Visitor space without proper credentials$50.00
Improper Entry/Exit of Deck$50.00
Parked in Pedestrian AreaMotorcycle or motorized scooter parked in pedestrian area (sidewalk, grass, etc.) $50.00
Parked in Ride-share P/U$100.00
Wheel-lock/TowWheel-lock/tow release requires payment of outstanding fines prior to release of the vehicle, this includes Tow Away zones $150.00
Lost/Stolen/Forged Permit$100.00
Improper Parking/Relocation Fee$100.00
Game Day Tow Fee$150.00
Parked in a Transit Lane$100.00
Parked in a Bicycle Lane$100.00
HC Ramp/Sidewalk Blocked$100.00
Dumpster/Tow Away Zone$150.00
6th Avenue Reserve Tow Away$150.00
Remove/Tamper Wheel-lock$200.00
Accessible ParkingFirst offense – $250.00 Second & subsequent offense – $500.00$250.00/$500.00
Parked in Purple Heart Space$250.00
Parked in FIR or Area Coordinator SpaceSubject to towing$250.00
Electric Vehicle Only$25.00
Storage FeeMay be accessed to all impounded or towed vehicles after the 3rd school day$5.00 per day

Accumulation Table

Unregistered vehicles receiving three or more citations are subject to being wheel-locked/towed.  Vehicle release requires payment of all outstanding fines.  Citations are reflected in the accumulation record of the violator.  The accumulation period for violators is one year, beginning August 16th of the academic year and ending August 16th of the following year.  If the fine on a citation is greater than the amount indicated by the accumulation record, the greater fine will be levied against the violator.

5th and subsequent violations – $50.00 or the higher value of the citation $50.00 Minimum$50.00 Minimum
10th and subsequent violations – $100.00 or the higher value of the citation $100.00 Minimum$100.00 Minimum
20th citation – Individual is referred to the Office of Student Conduct



Parking citations are automatically charged to student accounts of registered vehicles.  Payments may be made at Student Account Services, 105 Student Services Center.


Faculty and staff may pay parking citations in person at the Parking Services office located inside the Transportation Hub Deck at 315 Hackberry Lane.  If payment is not made and an appeal is not filed within three days of citation issuance, the citation will automatically be processed for payroll deduction.


Visitors may pay citations in person at the Parking Services office located inside the Transportation Hub Deck at 315 Hackberry Lane or by mailing the payment to Parking Services – Box 870179 – Tuscaloosa, AL  35487.


All appeals are subject to the following stipulations:

  • The citation appealed must be listed on the appeal form.
  • Denied appeals will be assessed a $5.00 processing fee.
  • Individuals must specify on their appeal form, at the time of submission, if they wish to appear before the appeals committee.

The following are not considered valid reasons for filing a citation appeal:

  • The lack of knowledge of the rules and regulations.
  • The inability to locate available space in the correct zone, inability to find a legal space, or inability to park legally due to other vehicles parked illegally.
  • Inclement weather conditions.
  • Tardiness to class or an appointment.
  • The use of emergency flashers to justify illegal parking.
  • Permission to park given by anyone other than a Parking Services employee.


The Student Government Association (SGA) Student Judiciary is comprised of Associate Justices, led by one Chief Justice, and assisted by Clerks. The Board adjudicates cases arising from Conduct Referrals and parking violations.  Students must complete the Citation Appeal Form.

Students may elect to appear before the Student Judiciary or have the Judiciary decide based solely on their written statement.  Citation appeal hearings are held weekly during the academic year.  Students can expect to have their case heard by three to four members of the Student Judiciary.  Students can present factual evidence to support their case (for example: a repair shop invoice if the car was disabled).

Students may only appeal citations issued during the current or previous semester.  Denied appeals will be assessed for an additional $5.00 processing fee and may only be resubmitted if additional factual information is included.


Faculty and staff may only appeal citations issued during the current or previous semester to the University Parking and Transportation Committee Court of Appeals.  Denied appeals will be assessed for an additional $5.00 processing fee and may only be resubmitted if additional factual information is included.